What is Dysphagia?
Dysphagia is the medical term term used for difficulty swallowing.
Pronunciation - dis-fay-juh
People with dysphagia have difficulty swallowing and may even experience pain while swallowing (odynophagia). Some people may be completely unable to swallow or may have trouble safely swallowing liquids, foods, or saliva. When that happens, eating becomes a challenge. Often, dysphagia makes it difficult to take in enough calories and fluids to nourish the body and can lead to additional serious medical problems.
Like breathing, swallowing is a reflex and essential to everyday life. Humans swallow at least 900 times a day: around three times an hour during sleep, once per minute while awake and even more often during meals. We swallow food, liquids, medicine and saliva. People who have trouble swallowing are at risk of poor nutrition and dehydration, while babies and children may not take in enough nutrients to support growth and brain development.
The swallowing system is a tube in which a series of pumps and valves move food and drink from the mouth to the stomach. In the throat, the tube branches in two directions; down one, the food and drinks pass into the oesophagus on their way to the stomach, while the other branches off to the voice box and lungs and is used for breathing.
With each swallow we hold our breath for around one second to make sure the food or drink travels down the correct tube to the stomach rather than the lungs. Swallowing uses 26 muscles and many nerves to coordinate the split-second timing needed to safely swallow and mistimed movements can lead to food or drink ‘going down the wrong way’.
Swallowing skills develop from infancy. Babies drink milk, from their mother’s breast or a bottle, using muscles in their lips, tongue, jaw and cheeks. The infant holds the nipple at the back of their mouth and the milk triggers the swallow reflex. When children start to eat solid food, they learn to move the food from the front of the mouth to the back to trigger the same swallowing reflex. Chewing is also important – food mixes with saliva and is broken into tiny pieces so that it forms a soft slippery ball that is easy to safely swallow.
How Does a Swallowing Problem Occur?
Causes of Dysphagia
How is Dysphagia Diagnosed?
The good news is that people who seek professional help can work on ways of eating and drinking that can reduce or remove these problems. What can be done about swallowing difficulties? Early identification is very important. If you notice any of the signs or symptoms below see your doctor and/or refer yourself directly to a speech pathologist.
- Your baby has difficulty sucking during breast or bottle feeding
- A feeling that food or drink gets stuck in the throat
- A feeling that food or drink is going the wrong way
- Long meal times or eating slowly (it takes more than 30 minutes to finish a meal)
- Coughing, choking or frequent throat clearing during or after eating and drinking
- Becoming short of breath or your breathing changes when eating and drinking
- Avoiding certain foods because they are difficult to swallow
- Unplanned weight loss for adults or for children, or failing to put on weight because of avoiding foods or finding it hard to eat
- Frequent chest infections with no known cause
Who Do Swallowing Disorders Affect?
More than 1 Million Australians have difficulty swallowing, including:
- 33% of people with Multiple Sclerosis
- 50% of people with Parkinson's Disease
- 95% of people with Motor Neurone Disease
- 15% of people with learning difficulties
- 68% of people with dementia in care homes
- 65% of people who have had a stroke
A Swallowing Disorder May Also Affect:
- 15-30% of people aged 65% living in the community
- 50% of older adults in nursing homes
- 84% of people with Parkinson's disease
- 100% of people with Alzheimer's at some point in their disease progression
- 20% adults with mental health disorders
- 45% of patients with head and neck cancer, post chemoradiotherapy
- 40% of stroke survivors have an ongoing need for support for swallowing
Interesting Swallowing Facts
- People swallow 700+ times per day (on average)
- Swallowing uses 26 muscles
- Humans Swallow once per minute while awake, around 3 times an hour during sleep and even more during meals!